Monday, October 27, 2008

Nursing at BC

Hey Everyone!

I'm Djerica and I'm a sophomore in the school of nursing here at BC. I'm originally from North Attleboro Massachusetts, which is about 45 minutes south of BC.

I'll tell you a little more about the nursing program at BC. Last year as a freshman I took the basic science classes and labs that all nurses have to take and 1 nursing theory course and also some core classes. It was a great year but very different from high school. This year (which in my opinion is a little more exciting) I am in my first clinical lab! This is a 4 hour lab in the simulation lab of the top floor of the nursing school. It looks just like any hospital room looks. I have been learning how to take blood pressure, listen to heart and lung sounds, and much more hands-on stuff. By the end of the semester I will be able to give a complete physical! Next semester I will go into the Boston hospitals and put all of the things that I've learned into action with real patients. Some of the hospitals that we go to in the Boston area are MassGeneral, Brigham and Women's, Beth Israel, and Children's Hospital Boston. I am really excited for this opportunity and I'm counting the days till my first clinical placement!

Something that I'm involved with this year on campus is the Nursing Senate. This is a student government for the nursing school and each class has its own set of representatives. My class officers and I all have different duties but we mostly work together and plan events for our class. It could be a volunteer opportunity nearby or a social event. I am also on the Student Advisory Board for the Council for Women at Boston College. It is a great way to meet women in different career fields that graduated from BC and network with them.

So that was a little bit about my life here at BC. I hope you all enjoyed it and got more insight into the nursing program.


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